Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance | Northeast Financial Group | (860) 739-3124

At Northeast Financial Group, our Workers Compensation Insurance specialist agents can help you build solid loss control and safety programs and assist with compliance challenges.  Here are a few of the additional benefits that are available to you from our agency–with no cost to you and likely to reduce your Workers Compensation Insurance premiums!

In CT, workers compensation is compulsory, meaning that employers are required by law to provide workers compensation insurance for their employees.

According to the State of Connecticut Workers Compensation Commission, if your company has one or more employees, you must provide workers compensation. It is also a no-fault system of insurance where benefits must be paid to injured employees, even if the accident was the employees fault. This is designed to maximize protection and coverage for employees, but also contributes to higher workers comp rates in the state.

At Northeast Financial Group, we can help your Connecticut business find affordable workers compensation benefits. Our benefits will protect your employees if they are injured or become sick on the job, while protecting you from lawsuits from injured employees. A workers comp plan can provide your company and its employees with the following:

    • Medical expenses
    • Lost income/wages
    • Rehabilitation costs
    • Death benefits
  • And more…

Through a careful evaluation and review of your company we can determine exactly what your unique business venture needs to adequately protect your employees. We first evaluate the distinct needs of your organization, and then tailor your policy to fit your particular business.

If you are a CT business owner, you can’t go wrong contacting Northeast Financial Group about workers compensation insurance. Give us a call or simply fill out the form on this page for more information and free quotes. We look forward to helping your business today!

Risk Assessment, Compliance, and Record Keeping

Managing Risks
We have the risk management expertise and resources to help you develop a cost effective plan to control and lower your workplace risks.

Workplace Safety Programs
Our risk assessment and workplace safety program service will assist you in developing a safety manual that will not only lower the probability of  personal injury  and property damage, but lower premiums as well.

Compliance and Record Keeping
OSHA record keeping responsibilities can be challenging.   We can assist you in fulfilling your federal and state requirements.

Claims Cost Containment
We can help you to control workers’ compensation claims by establishing a safety policy, adopting a Return-to-Work Program, streamlining reporting procedures, identifying top loss sources and mitigating legal expenses, all with our tools.

Northeast Financial Group is a full service Independent Insurance Agency that represents many top-rated companies.  We assess risks and shop companies to find the best coverage for the price.  Our clients get the best value for the insurance they need.

A few of the companies we represent include:  Travelers, Safeco, Main Street, Metropolitan, Mercury, Lincoln Financial, Dairyland, Titan, Victoria, Foremost, Arrowhead, Alfa Vision, CNA, Zurich, Kemper, Augusta Mutual, Anthem, Mutual of Omaha, and many more.

Call, request a quote by email, or visit us at our office today for a free, no obligation risk assessment and quote.  Let us do the research and find the best value for the Workers Compensation Insurance you need.